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Inspirational books

Inspirational Books for Autumn

Books are one of the most beautiful things in the world. Collecting and having them at home is a pleasure. Touching them, rereading them… We’ve all been moved by architecture and design books’ sensitivity and photography but, recently, cookbooks have incorporated in this group and found a place in our hearts. They’ve become more and more impressive and have gained room in our shelves.

Autumn playlist

Autumn playlist: 15 artists

There are times when we just want to lay back, light up the fire and listen to music. Just loosen up and let songs take us to magical places and help us day dream. There is music that touches our soul and takes us to certain places.Listen to the playlist

Conscious life

A conscious life: How to live a good life with kids

How to live with children… Not only how to live, but how to live a good life with children… As an architect and mom, I find this topic spinning round in my head on a daily basis. How to create a home where both adults and kids can enjoy at different ages and stages.

3 recommendations to wake up and live our lives

We find it very hard to allow, simply allow, things to happen. To trust the universe and its perfection. To trust in ourselves and in our inner voice. To be in silence. To listen to that unique voice before actioning.

Sex is art

We were all day toying with the idea; whispering things in our ears, rubbing, fantasizing…

Weekend Getaway: 5 autumn days in Punta del Este, Uruguay…

In autumn Punta del Este is a city of immense charm. There are practically no tourists but the majority of the shops and restaurants are still open. The weather remains suitable enough to enjoy open air activities such as long walks along the beach or through the woods, riding on horseback or cycling, practicing surf or kitesurf either in a lagoon or at the beach or just sightseeing any of the countless landscapes available in every nook.

What to eat: day by day how to organize your family meals

I decided to indulge myself in giving time and place to plan my weekly family meals. I sat at my desk, displayed some of my cookbooks, and together with a warm potion set off to design my week.